How to have hard conversations- that go well!
The #1 problem couples and families identify when seeking therapy~
"We can't communicate."
The #1 goal couples and families identify when seeking therapy~
"We need tools for better communication."
Since most couples and families LOVE each…

Making Peace with Your Parents to Enrich Your Life & Relationships

What Makes for a Good Apology? The Secret to Effective Repairs
Did you know that apologizing or making an "effective repair" is one of the most important skills in a relationship?
It's actually well-known across couple therapy models that making a mistake is not the culprit in divorce. It's the lack of…

Top 10 Parenting Strategies- Timeless Guidelines from Love & Logic
As a new parent, I remember a friend saying,
"Parenting is the hardest job you'll ever love."
This description definitely fit for my son's first year when he barely slept and cried a lot as a colicky baby and yet I still had the deepest…

Guidelines for Visiting Your Family at the Holidays or Vacations
It's HOLIDAY (or vacation) time!
Most people want to be surrounded by FAMILY (whether this is their real family, chosen family or longed for family) at this nostalgic time of the year. (And if you're a parent, you likely value your kids bonding…

How to Get Your Adult Child Out of Your Basement and Into a Thriving, Independent Life
As a couples and family therapist, I have heard numerous…
distressing stories of 20, 30, 40, and even 50 somethings still living in their parents' basement using drugs, playing video games, or just hanging out (with perpetual and creative…

The Kids Grow Up; Letting Go is Hard to Do
“You can get all sorts of help raising a child, but nothing prepares you for letting her go.”
- Doug Block, documentary film maker of “The Kids Grow Up; Letting Go is Hard to Do
As a parent of a high school senior about to leave home,…

Can I Help My Family Member or Friend with an Addiction?
This is the most common question I hear as an addictions counselor (since 2001). The good news is~ YES, YOU CAN HELP YOUR LOVED ONE GET SOBER!
And, if your family needs immediate assistance, call Lana Isaacson, Couples and Family Therapist…